雅思口语:9分口语必备的10大英语俚语用法详解(中文字幕)#雅思口语[超话]##雅思口语# 这段视频讨论了在雅思口语考试中取得9.0分时,必须掌握的10个重要成语:1. **Over the moon** 意思是“非常开心”,例如:“I was over the moon when I got my IELTS result.”2. **Bite the bullet** 表示面对困难或挑战时强行忍耐,例如:“I had to bite the bullet and take the exam.”3. **Hit the nail on the head** 意味着准确地指出问题或事实,例如:“You hit the nail on the head with your analysis.”4. **Burn the midnight oil** 形容熬夜工作或学习,例如:“I burned the midnight oil to prepare for the test.”5. **Break the bank** 意思是花费大量金钱,例如:“Buying that car would break the bank.”6. **Cut corners** 表示偷工减料或减少质量以节省时间或金钱,例如:“We cant cut corners on quality.”7. **Let the cat out of the bag** 指无意中泄露秘密,例如:“Someone let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party.”8. **The ball is in your court** 意思是决定权在某人手中,例如:“Now the ball is in your court, you decide.”9. **Under the weather** 表示身体不适或生病,例如:“I was feeling under the weather, so I stayed home.”10. **Spill the beans** 意思是泄露秘密或透露信息,例如:“She spilled the beans about the upcoming project.”这些成语在日常对话中使用得当,会显著提高雅思口语评分。
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